How to Strop a Knife - Three Step Guide
Learn how to strop a knife with us, and get 'cher pocket knife hair popping sharp with a quick stropping touch up. This is a quick and easy process which involves realigning the cutting edge, removing any excess material, and polishing the edge of the blade.

Stropping is NOT a replacement to sharpening (don't be lazy, eh?), but it is something you do right after you are done sharpening your knife, and in between "sharpening sessions."
Important Note: Stropping is only done in straight edge blades. Serrated knives can damage your strop, and you won't get any benefits due to the nature of the blade. Who carries serrated blades anyways ;)
All you need is a strop and compound. Here we go!
1. Lay your strop on a flat surface.
Just like when you are sharpening, stropping requires you to have a good sense of the angle you are using as you work on your pocket knife. This would be hard to do if you are not supported correctly.
2. Apply compound to your strop.
Compound comes in different forms, but the principle remains. This will help give the edge of the blade a polished finish, and overall better results. You don't need to apply compound every time you strop your knife. Once applied, it takes a while for it to leave the leather.
3. Lay your knife on the strop at the right angle, and pull back.
Start at the tip, and pull the blade back as you work your way to the handle (or vise versa). Do this in both sides as many times as needed. Don't pull a Hulk! Do it softly, it is best if you don't use a lot of pressure.
WARNING: Your pocket knife is now stupid sharp! Handle with care :)
You can test the sharpness of the knife by simply cutting a piece of paper, or shaving your arm hair.