Lander 1 Pocket Knife - Contoured Black Micarta - 14C28N

Sale price$64.995.0


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THE Lander 1 Black Micarta

"Where's the micarta?" "I wish it came with micarta." "Does it come in stainless?" "I'd totally get one if it was not D2."

We've heard your cries, amigos. And we have responded! The Lander 1 is in 14C28N stainless steel, and contoured black canvas micarta scales! Woot Woot!!! Trust us, we're just as excited as you are for this. Who doesn't love micarta? It's soft, contoured, and ever-changing in appearance, and not so slippery when wet. Sorry Bon Jovi... the only thing that could make this Lander any better was an upgraded stainless steel blade. It might sound like alphabet soup, but Sandvik 14c28n steel is nothing to scoff at. It has great corrosion resistance, is easy to sharpen, has solid edge retention, AND is extremely tough.

This Lander is still a pocket knife of possibility with Fast Swap Scales. They're easy to remove without disassembling the entire knife. Simply unscrew four screws, and you're freeee! If you're unfamiliar with pocket knife disassembly, typically removing the scales can be an ordeal: the entire knife falls apart in your hands, and you've got to retune everything to align all the parts. Not hard, but not fast or convenient either.

Why is this cool? We have a million ideas of ways to customize this knife. We suspect you also have a million ideas. By making the scales in this Fast Swap fashion, it opens up a world of customization. Plus, we've made the scales Open Source via Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)-- users can distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the scales in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to Knafs. The license allows for commercial use. We just ask that you link back to Knafs. Simple. Open. Endless possibilities. Download the Lander STP file.

We encourage you to disassemble the knife, tear it down, and put it back together-- no warranty voided for disassembly. We've also built out Lander Replacement Parts section of our site so you can replace screws, pocket clips, and scales. We want you to own your knife and enjoy it for years to come.

Overall Length

6.4" (162 mm)

Closed Length

3.6" (92 mm)

Blade Length

2.75" (70 mm)

Blade Thickness

.1" (2.6 mm)

Handle Thickness

.4" (10.2 mm)


2.4oz (68 g)

Blade Steel

Sandvik 14C28N